Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Pete's adjusting to life as a dad with a new song and some pictures...

I Want to Be a Family Man

I want to be a family man.
I want to do just what I can.
Be there with the morning sun.
Be there when the day is done.
I want to be a family man.

I want to have a happy marriage.
I want to push the baby carriage.
Take care of business when I can.
Sleep at night when my race is ran.
I want to be a family man.

I want to bring the bacon home.
Stay away from where the ladies roam.
Keep my manners where they ought to be.
Working hard to build a family tree.
Yes I want to be a family man.

I want to fix the family car.
I want to be a movie star.
Try my hand at rodeo.
Steal a kiss at the picture show.
I want to be a family man.

I want to fix the water pipe.
I want to learn to do the Skype. 
Share my pictures on the computer screen.
Eat some pork and then eat some beans.
Yes I want to be a family man.

I want to get my butt to work.
I want to see if I can twerk.
I’ll do my workout maybe twice a week.
Let you beat me at hide and seek.
I want to be family man. 

I want to give the good Lord thanks.
I want to fit into my Spanx.
Wash the dog and cook a meal.
Save a whale and save a seal.
Oh I want to be a family man.
Lord, just let me be a family man…

At least someone's awake.
Little slippers
Skating under a pink sky.
Cardinals in the snow
All bow down to the Squirrel of Hellfire!
Last of the Christmas lights.
Lamp light