Monday, August 15, 2016

Miki's year of knitting

One thing that I really wanted to learn last year was how to knit.  I was tired of sitting in front of the TV while I scrolled through my phone.  I wanted to use the downtime that I spent in the family room to actually create something.  I wanted our television time to actually be productive.  To me, knitting seemed to be the perfect solution.  The idea of sitting with a ball of yarn and creating something warm and cozy that could bring comfort to someone sounded lovely.  

So, I tracked down a beginner knitting class, dragged my friend Andrea with me, and my journey into the world of yarn addiction began.  Below, is a catalog of some my creations as I near my 1 year anniversary of becoming a knitter.  I have yet to make something for myself, but I sure love seeing my new outlet wrapped around those I love.

My first hat.  Pete is modeling, but Grandpa got hat.

I found this lovely yarn and made a hat/scarf set for Kathy, my step mom.

My first Cowl scarf.  My mom loves hers!

Margie got a school spirit scarf to show her bulldog pride.


Bamboo hat for our soon to be baby, Cordelia.


First attempt at color change.
My first blanket.  Made for a coworker's new baby boy. Organic Cotton yarn.

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