Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Pete, Miki, and Cordi go to a rare movie. Here's what they thought...

Pete interviews Miki and Cordi about their experience seeing the film Mary Poppins Returns. 

Pete:  So what did you think of the movie?
Miki: I loved it. 
Pete: Me too.
Cordi: That was good movie. Popcorn. 

Pete: What surprised you about the movie?
Miki: I think what surprised me was that I expected to be disappointed, but wasn’t. I really enjoyed it.
Pete: I thought all the songs were going to be the same as the first Mary Poppins but they were all original songs -- and I thought just as good. 

Pete: What was your favorite song from the movie? 
Miki: My favorite was ‘A Cover is Not the Book.’ 
Pete: As a lifelong booklover I thought you might say that. My favorite was ‘The Place Where Lost Things Go.’ What a beautiful song about coping with the loss of a loved one. 

Pete: What did you think of Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins?
Miki: It was different but in a good way. Her Mary was a more complicated, enigmatic character. 
Pete: I also thought it was a great performance. She communicates in subtle ways, sometimes just by raising her eyebrows. 

Pete: What other characters or cameos would you like to mention? 
Miki: I loved seeing Angela Lansbury! And Dick Clark -- I mean Dick Van Dyke! I also thought Meryl Streep was very funny. 

Pete: I was a little conflicted by the ending. On the one hand, it struck me as cold. On the other hand, that was how Emily Blunt’s Mary would have closed the show. 

Pete: Any last thoughts about Mary Poppins Returns?
Miki: I can’t wait to see it again, or buy it, and then memorize every song. 
Pete: Cordi, how about you?
Cordi: Popcorn. 

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