Friday, September 25, 2015

Miki's Review of Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

I have not been salivating for a sequel in ages.  I have finished all of the trilogies I have started.  The anticipation level for new books has been a little low  in comparison to past years.  I have not totally geeked out in a good while.  Well, that all ended this week.  After some serious whining, some begging, and some networking, I finally have a copy of After You by Jojo Moyes (release date 9/29/15) in my hot little hands.  In celebration of my acquisition, I thought it would be appropriate to re-post my original review of Me Before You. Enjoy!

I am writing this review with the tear stains fresh on my cheeks. So many things are going through my mind. Not only am I emotional about the story, but I am feeling so many things about the writing as well. I am feeling a rush in many ways because I am so thrilled to have read something that pulled me in so deeply, from having read something that shows love in such a different way, and from having read something so real. 

I often have book hangovers, where I really have a hard time returning to reality at the end of a book. However, after finishing Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, I think this one might take a little longer to recover from. I am so moved by this story. 

It has been such a long time since I have read a book that so deeply moved me. I now have a totally different point of view on the value of life, the meaning of love, and what it means to live. This is a fantastic novel and I sincerely hope it finds its way onto your reading list.


  1. Great review. I am ready to read this; but I have been ready before. But now I have my fingers on the page!!
