Friday, September 9, 2016

Oregon pictures to share with you...

Nothing like a dancing carrot to chase the blues away.
Lincoln City, Oregon
My favorite farmer
A Czech beer, a Mexican rubber ducky. It's bathtub time. 
Tiki bar interior
Glass pumpkin show
Tillamook Cheese factory

And now a short poem from your friendly neighborhood poet...

The Man Who Lost His Cheese

Where is my cheese?
Where has it gone?
I just want my cheese
back where it belongs.

Did you steal my cheese?
Did you make it go?
I really miss my cheese.
I just wanted you to know.

(It's a work in progress.)
Reminds me of that old joke where the horse bellies up to the bar and the bartender asks, "Hey, why the long face?"
But Hebee and Shebee have been together for 130 years so it can't be all that bad. 
Time for a beer.

Oregon sunset
Jeez, enough with the sunflowers already!

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