Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Girl on the Train

The Girl on the Train Cover Image

I've recently finished reading The Girl on the Train, though I've yet to see the movie version. It was a very good mystery, but I fear a proper review might give away some key plot points. Therefore, you'll have to suffer through a poem instead. But I do hope you will either read or see the movie version of The Girl on the Train. It was special to me because I read it while riding on the train back and forth to work. I was the boy on the train reading about the girl on the train. Anyway, here comes the poem. I hope it doesn't spoil anything for anyone.

Girl on the Train

She feels nothing special,
no need to dress, kind of plain.
Her best days behind her,
she’s just a girl on the train.

She’s kind of a loner,
and barely sober,
her whole life going down the drain.
She’s just a girl on the train.

She can’t feel your pain,
she’s got much of her own.
You can’t sit next to her,
she wants to be alone.
She’s a girl on the train.

She’s seen something strange,
but what can you do?
One of the suspects 
just might be you.
She’s a girl on the train.
She’s just a girl on the train.

But maybe there’s hope,
if she can only remember.
It’s closer than she thinks,
and they’ll want her to surrender.
She’s a girl on the train.
She’s just a girl on the train.

It’s getting clearer now,
but time’s not her friend.
One false move 
and it might be the end.
She’s a girl on the train.

She’s just a girl on the train.

“Track number nine will be departing in one minute… Track number nine will be departing in one minute… All aboard!”

The Girl on the Train (Movie Tie-In) Cover Image

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